Our Wedding,  Personal

Our Wedding / Finding THE Venue

I realized I never shared our venue with you! I mean, I mentioned it in passing but this baby needs a post all it’s own.

Figueroa Farmhouse in Santa Ynez has been my dream venue for, well, for as long as I can remember. It’s a little bit rustic without being a barn, it’s basically the field of my dreams and there are beautiful large oak trees on the property. The one con about it, the price…or so I thought. The one thing I’ve learned through the process of wedding planning is that it doesn’t hurts to ask. The property is a rental, not a venue, and they rent it out in either four day or seven day increments but since we were getting married on a weekday we got away with doing a two day rental. The price ended up beating most venues that we’ve looked at AND we all get to stay here. After looking at this dreamland nothing else compared, especially when you tack on accommodations (which we wouldn’t need to worry about at Figueroa). So about four seconds after we saw it we decided that this was IT! So, in January we booked our venue…five months to go. We like to do this wedding planning thing a little backwards.

These photos are from our trip out there in mid January, it was the middle of the afternoon (crappiest time to shoot photos) but you get the idea. By now the grass should be nice and tall (swoon swoon swoon). Cannot wait!  Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 001 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 002 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 003 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 004 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 005 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 006 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 007 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 008 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 009 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 010 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 011 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 012 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 013 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 014 Bravwel - Figeuroa Farmhouse - Megan Welker Photography 015MRS-sig